"Pupils know that staff are kind, supportive individuals."
Ofsted - 2022


Mrs Saint is our Pre-School Manager

Miss Cox and Mrs Healy are our Pre-School Assistants

Some things we've been doing in Pre-School:

EYFS Pyjama Day

We held our annual Pyjama Day in support of The Lullaby Trust, and in memory of baby Alfie.  All the children in Pre-School, Nursery and Reception came to school in their pyjamas in exchange for a donation to this wonderful organisation.  Even the teachers and staff wore their PJs!

We raised over £90!  Thank you to everyone for taking part.

If you'd like to know more about how The Lullaby Trust helps families, please check out their website: www.lullabytrust.org.uk

Ark Farm

We had some very special guests.  The lovely animals from Ark Farm came to meet us at Pre-School.  The children were able to gently stroke and even feed the animals which included guinea-pigs, rabbits, chickens, a tortoise, a hedgehog (called Sonic!), 2 gorgeous labradors, sugar gliders and an amazing barn owl, called Plop!