"Pupils were grateful to the Parent Teacher Association for arranging a visit to the theatre to watch a pantomime."
Ofsted - 2022


SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

At St. Mary's Catholic Primary School, we are committed to offering an inclusive provision to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils, whatever their needs or abilities. Our educational aims for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, are the same as those for all children in the school.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Ball (our SEND Co-ordinator) on 01582 602420, or email sball@stmarysprimary.org.uk


The Mind Map Charity

We recently held a Mind Map workshop for parents to help support children's mental health and well-being.  We thought it was so useful, we wanted to share the presentation with you here for future reference.

Feedback Questionnaire

Useful Websites and Contact Information


Central Bedfordshire SENDIASS - Impartial advice for parents

Nasen - A membership charity organisation supporting education professionals by providing resources and training to help meet and identify needs of individuals with special or additional learning needs SEND/ALN

British Dyslexia Association - The British Dyslexia Association is the voice for the 10% of the population that are dyslexic

I Can - I Can's mission is that no child should be left out or left behind because of a difficulty speaking or understanding

National Autistic Society

Special Needs Jungle

Send Gateway

Contact - For families with disabled children

Super Summary - A comprehensive resource guide to overcoming dyslexia, for teachers and students

Outside In Solutions - Support and training on ADHD and autistic spectrum conditions

Autism Bedfordshire

Childrens' Speech and Language Therapy


  • Central Bedfordshire Council SEND Parent and Young Person Partnership Service - 0300 300 8088

  • School Nurse Service - 01582 707649

  • Carers in Bedfordshire- 0300 111 1919

  • Autism Bedfordshire - 01234 214871

  • Outside In - (ASD and ADHD support group) - 01462 813282

  • Child Development Centre - 01582 700300

  • Early Help Hub - 0300 300 8585

  • Flitwick Children's Centre - 01525 714008

  • Children with Disabilities Team - 01234 228709

  • Children's Centre - 01582 667900