"Lessons are clearly structured, and assessment practices are well thought out."
Ofsted - 2022

Inspection Reports (Ofsted & Catholic)

Our latest OFSTED Report - April 2022

Grading: Good

  • Pupils are wonderfully charming.  It does not take long to witness pupils' manners and good humour. They learn these behaviours through the considered half termly focus on the school values.

  • Pupils at St Mary's Catholic Primary School are benefiting from changes that leaders and staff have enacted over recent years. The curriculum on offer helps many to achieve well. Pupils are keen readers. 

  • Children are confident when tested on knowledge they have learned because staff teach words and ideas clearly. Pupils say that it "sticks in their head".

  • Pupils know that staff are kind, supportive individuals. When asked, they quickly list their trusted adults in the school, before ending with, "You can speak to any adult about a problem and they will help". Pupils feel happy and safe in their school.

  • Leaders work collaboratively to complete ongoing improvements in the school. They rightly feel proud of what they have achieved , particularly in their curriculum development.

  • In all subjects, curriculum plans set out learning from Year 1 to Year 6. There are appropriate lesson sequences.

  • Leaders' rigorous systems ensure that provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities is a strength in the school. 

 To see an overview of our school, please click here.

You can read the full report here: 

We are also proud to have been graded 'Good' during our Section 48 Inspection of Denominational Character and Religious Education.

You can read this report here: