Pre School

At our Pre-School we provide a happy and safe learning environment with exciting, play based educational activities for children aged from 2 years old.

We also provide wrap-around sessions for 3 and 4 year olds who attend our Nursery. We are registered to take up to 24 children per session.  Although we are attached to a Catholic primary school, there is no religious requirement to attend our Pre-School.

In the Pre-School we have a play based curriculum which incorporates the children’s interests alongside exciting topics. We work hard to develop the prime areas of the Early Years Curriculum which include: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development as well as planning stimulating activities which link to the rest of the Early Years Curriculum.

Take a look at our Pre-School Class Page to see some pictures of a few of the things we've been up to lately.

Sessions are available from Monday to Friday during term time and run as follows:

Morning: 8.45am until 11.45am (3 hours)
Afternoon: 12.30pm until 3.30pm (3 hours)
All Day 8.45am until 3.30pm (including lunch period) (6 hours 45 mins)
Wrap-Around - Morning 8.45am until 12.30pm (including lunch period) (3 hours 45 mins)
Wrap-Around - Afternoon 11.45am until 3.30pm (including lunch period) (3 hours 45 mins)


The Breakfast and After School Clubs, which run from 8.00am to 8.45am and 3.30pm to 5.30pm are available to all children, from Nursery upwards and considered for Pre-Schoolers on an individual basis. (Please note: all applications for Breakfast Club and After School Club need to be approved by the Headteacher).

Further information on extended care can be found here.


Session Pricing

Our fees are as follows:

  Current Prices From September 2024
Morning or Afternoon - £15.00 - £16.00
All Day - £34.00 - £35.00
Wrap-Around Morning or Afternoon - £19.00 - £20.00
Breakfast and After School Club - £3.50 per hour  - £4.50 per hour

Fees are calculated and invoiced each half-term and we are happy to accept weekly payments.  Breakfast and After School Club can be used on an ad-hoc basis and payments can be made with each booking.

We accept Tax Free Childcare for both Pre-School and Breakfast and After School Club.  

 2 Year Funding

Funding for up to 15 hours per week is available for parents in receipt of certain benefits, and from April 2024 will also be available to working parents.  To find out if you are eligible, and to apply, please take a look at  If you are eligible, funding will start from the term following your child’s 2nd birthday.

If required, additional hours can be purchased at the above rates. 

30 Hours Funding

All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours a week free childcare which can be used in our Nursery.  If parents are working, they may be entitled to an additional 15 hours per week which can be used in our Pre-School for Wrap-Around sessions.  Please take a look at the Child Care Choices website for more information and to apply for funding.

Nursery Wrap-Around Booking In Form

Nursery Wrap-Around Policy

Pre-School Admissions

If you would like to apply for a place, or to find out more information, please contact the school on 01582 602420 or feel free to pop in and see us.  

You can find more information about our Admissions Policy and fees, and can download an application form here:

Pre-school Admissions Policy

Pre-school Fees Agreement

Pre-School Application Form

Speech and Language Therapy Self-Referral

From 1st January 2019 referrals to the Paediatric Speech and Language Therapy service for children who are pre-school age and younger will be via a paper referral.

For this age group, the speech and language team have an open referrral system so referrals can be made by parents / carers, pre-school and nurseries, professionals or other services involved with the child. Due to these changes there are no longer Assessment Clinics running. 

Once returned, the referral form will be triaged and if accepted for an initial assessment the parent / carer and the referrer will be contacted by letter. This letter will invite the parent / carer to contact the department within two weeks to arrange their child’s initial appointment in a local clinic. 

Where possible it will be helpful to discuss this referral with your child’s pre-school and include additional information from them, with this form.

Please provide as much detail as possible as this will help us process your referral as efficiently as possible.

Speech and Language Therapy Referral Form

Some of the lovely things that our parents and children have said about us...

"Thank you ever so much for teaching my daughter.  she has had a lovely time in Pre-School with yourself and many others.  She is going to miss you lots.  You are the loveliest teacher and you do a fab job!"

"Thank you so much for all your help with my son this year. "

"It takes a big heart to help shape little minds.  Thanks for being the best teacher ever!"

"Thank you very much for being such a special teacher to me this year and for helping my mummy and daddy.  I'm really going to miss you but I'm sure I'll still see you on the playground when I move to Nursery."

"Thank you for all that you have done both for me and with me this year.  I have enjoyed every moment!  I'm looking forward to coming back after the holiday."

"To all the staff in Pre-School.  Thank you so much for making my time in Pre-School so much fun.  I'm going to miss you when I go up to Nursery!"